- 国籍: アメリカ&日本
- 言語: 英語(アメリカネイティブ) 日本語(ネイティブ)
- 生年月日: 2006年 08月
- 身長: 161cm
- 胸: 84cm
- ウエスト: 65cm
- 腰間: 88cm
- 靴: 23.5cm
- プリントする
- On-camera
- Feature film “Reflections” Teenage girl
- Tokyo Publishing educational videos 英会話 Lead role 3 years
- KEY L YouTube music video High School Girl
- NHK "Gretel no Kamado"
- ALC educational videos
- NHK "Princess Sesame" (Lead role Sesame)
- NHK "Eigo de Asobo" Solo singer: Water Song • ELEC narrations 4 years
- ALC narrations, songs
- 西松屋 CM voice over
- Northface backpack internet advertisement
- Kawahara Fumihiro Preppy Magazine Solo model two pages • Model for Hong Kong photographer Flower abstract
- Model for various hair makeup and clothing designers, 4 years
- School play “Pretty Blonde” Lead role & choreographer School play “Hairspray” Ensemble
- School play “School of Rock” Ensemble